Learn anything you want— Part 1

Jesus Alvarado
4 min readSep 9, 2020

¿How many time do you need to learn something new for your job or maybe for your school?, that is the story for all our lives, learn to apply and then success or obtain something that you need or want (money in the most cases).

But, not always it’s easy and of course it’s not as easy or fast as you expected. So, ¿How other people reach this goal you wants?, here does not exists a magic formula and these people are not gifted, they have skills that everybody can obtain.

Then, ¿What do you thing? you can take two ways; the firs one, is to keep trying with a large dose of motivation and struggle; the second option that you have is to build tools and skills, I know it’s maybe sounds like a waste of time, but you don’t use your fingers to do a hole in a wall you use a tool right?, then use the right tool for the job (skills are tools in your brain to get more tools and knowledge and the knowledge give you more tools) to do that.

Let’s get starter.

¿it’s relevance for you?

This is the great question, you can learn everything, but if the thing that you want to learn has relevance in your life, well all is more easy and more fast.

Think in a big mountain with a lot of snow and you need to climb it because your goal is just at the end and you can see it, if you want to do or to learn that is at the end then it must has relevance for you.

At the beginning maybe you will need to climb but in a few hour of practice you will be walking and in more time you will be practicing skying like a pro.

Photo by Sam Mgrdichian on Unsplash

That’s not a secret, but we like to see only that we want to see in our dangerous comfort zone (the most dangerous and deadly site of the world and of your mind).

Use the tool (or the skill)

Photo by Moritz Mentges on Unsplash

¿How many tools do you have at home?, maybe you have an hammer to drive a nail because nobody can drive a nail whit her hands; then whit do you don’t use your mental tools and skills everyday and at every moment.

Why?, because these tools are like a “pokémon” the more you use them, the more powerful they become. Sorry for the reference but is true, if you not know what is a “pokémon”, this is like a pet with super powers or thing int it like a RPG or MMO game character with skills.

Then if you do that in a game, why don’t do the same thing in the real life, with real problems and of course with real rewards?

The thing that I want to communicate you is if you start to learn something new, then start using it immediately (I don’t have a proficiency of English language but here I’m writing for you, trying to don’t use the translator and learning so much).

Remember practicing is getting more knowledge that only researching or reading theory.

Theory without practice is another way to say “I like to procrastinate”.

Understand what you do

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Good, now you are learning by the conventional way, but with relevance and practicing at every opportunity. Now keep in mind that you don’t need to do that the fast as a F1 car, you are a train “start slow, start smart; and then begins to increase the velocity when you really need it”, and of course go slow if you start felling you lost but never stop.

Learn is to experiment, everything is valid and not everything works at the same way with all the people, then you need to discover what techniques works better for you.

In my case, I really learn fast doing things something like build on the go, this is like to build a car and start driving it at the same time, this give me motivation, to start because I can see in my mind the final result and I then to work to reach it.

I thing, here the key is to enjoy the thing that you are doing and of course getting little milestones that together completes the final goal, we will talk about these later.

This is all for this now, I really appreciate your time. Stay connected for the next part

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